We are just sitting and waiting for Governor Quinn to sign or veto our HB1539 and HB2520.
They called our Galesburg office when it was closed for the 4th of July Holidays. Pauli sent me a message to call them and now we are waiting.
I had hoped he would have signed by now but he hasn't so now we need to FLOOD both his offices with calls to sign those bills.
Talking points are:
They called our Galesburg office when it was closed for the 4th of July Holidays. Pauli sent me a message to call them and now we are waiting.
I had hoped he would have signed by now but he hasn't so now we need to FLOOD both his offices with calls to sign those bills.
Talking points are:
HB1539 - It was changed from motorcyclists specific so that all groups/organizations may be covered under the new language for helping traffic control at specific and specified events on roads under the jurisdiction of those local authorities.
This new language strengthens the current language as the law did not require that motorist obey anyone other than Police, Firemen and School Crossing Guards.
Now everyone will be covered including but not limited to Boy/Girl Scouts, Church Groups, Labor Unions and anyone given the authority by the Local Governments to help with traffic control.
Now everyone will be covered including but not limited to Boy/Girl Scouts, Church Groups, Labor Unions and anyone given the authority by the Local Governments to help with traffic control.
This would give us the possibility of helping out with our own Annual "Safety and Awareness" ride the first Sunday of May, and other events we hold/participate in.
This does not mandate that the local governments have to use us or anyone but it will help the local authorities cut costs by using free labor of creditable organizations/clubs.
HB2520 - This is the bill to legalize Poker Runs for the charities that bikers do and for Not For Profit organizations such as many of our clubs and organizations which includes ABATE of Illinois
Talking Points: No segment in our society raises more money for charities and local citizens that are down and out on their luck than bikers.
Bikers jump at the chance to ride for charities and donate money to those that are down and out of luck, no matter what the occasion and weather forecast.
Since "Land Based Gaming: has become law, the Illinois liquor and Gaming agents have been tearing down our fliers in Restaurants and Bars claiming they are illegal as they use poker cards. spinners, dice,,and marble spinners to complete the run.
On April 20 Bikers raised $20,000 for the family of Illinois State Motorcycle Trooper Kyle Deatherage. Half the money was put in hischildren's education fund and the rest was given to the family for expenses. This run will be held every year with the proceeds going to a "First Responders" emergency fund. We all know there are hundreds ofcharity events out there like this one and dozens more for "Charity Organizations" such as "March of Dimes", "Shiner's", "Jerry"s Kids" etc, etc.
CALL the Governor (both offices) and ask him in a "respectful tone" to please sign these 2 bills.
This does not mandate that the local governments have to use us or anyone but it will help the local authorities cut costs by using free labor of creditable organizations/clubs.
HB2520 - This is the bill to legalize Poker Runs for the charities that bikers do and for Not For Profit organizations such as many of our clubs and organizations which includes ABATE of Illinois
Talking Points: No segment in our society raises more money for charities and local citizens that are down and out on their luck than bikers.
Bikers jump at the chance to ride for charities and donate money to those that are down and out of luck, no matter what the occasion and weather forecast.
Since "Land Based Gaming: has become law, the Illinois liquor and Gaming agents have been tearing down our fliers in Restaurants and Bars claiming they are illegal as they use poker cards. spinners, dice,,and marble spinners to complete the run.
On April 20 Bikers raised $20,000 for the family of Illinois State Motorcycle Trooper Kyle Deatherage. Half the money was put in hischildren's education fund and the rest was given to the family for expenses. This run will be held every year with the proceeds going to a "First Responders" emergency fund.
CALL the Governor (both offices) and ask him in a "respectful tone" to please sign these 2 bills.
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Phone: 217-782-0244
TTY: 888-261-3336
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
Phone: 217-782-0244
TTY: 888-261-3336
Office of the Governor
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121
James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, 16-100
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: 312-814-2121
These next bills are all U.S. House bills and there are only 18 U.S. Congressmen in Illinois. We need to let them know where we stand on them and always be Respectful when talking no matter what the issue is.
We oppose: H.R.1214 Domestic Fuels Protection Act of 2014. by llinois Congressman John Shimkus.(Congressman J. Shimkus has been and still is a friend to ABATE)
His bill: To provide liability protection for claims based on the design, manufacture, sale, offer for sale, introduction into commerce, or use of certain fuels and fuel additives, and for other purposes.
Why would you have to exempt anyone from liability if this stuff is such a great product? That is us holding the bag to pay for clean-ups from leakage and paying to have our engines rebuilt from having to use this stuff (E-15). We oppose H.R. 2267, American Fuel Protection Act of 2013 Texas Congressman Gene Green: To make the United States exclusively liable for certain claims of liability to the extent such liability is a claim for damages resulting from, or aggravated by, the inclusion of ethanol in transportation fuel.
Why would you want the federal government taking on all liability for damage done by anything? That’s our tax dollars being spent on cleaning up and the damage caused by ethanol to our engines. The sponsors and co-sponsors of these last 2 bills must not be aware of how broke the country really is.
We oppose: H.R.1214 Domestic Fuels Protection Act of 2014. by llinois Congressman John Shimkus.(Congressman J. Shimkus has been and still is a friend to ABATE)
His bill: To provide liability protection for claims based on the design, manufacture, sale, offer for sale, introduction into commerce, or use of certain fuels and fuel additives, and for other purposes.
Why would you have to exempt anyone from liability if this stuff is such a great product? That is us holding the bag to pay for clean-ups from leakage and paying to have our engines rebuilt from having to use this stuff (E-15).
Why would you want the federal government taking on all liability for damage done by anything? That’s our tax dollars being spent on cleaning up and the damage caused by ethanol to our engines. The sponsors and co-sponsors of these last 2 bills must not be aware of how broke the country really is.
We do have a few federal bills We Are SUPPORTING and they are: H.R. 875, Wisconsin Congressman James Sensenbrenner: To provide for a comprehensive assessment of the scientific and technical research on the implications of the use of mid-level ethanol blends, and for other purposes. Let’s get this stuff fully tested, not just on emission controls and catalytic convertors but on the motors. Let us have a proper test where the valves, bearings, pistons and all internal combustion motor parts are tested on ALL types of motors, on-road, off-road, cars and trucks.
There are NO Illinois Congressmen signed on to this bill. Let us change that. WE Support is H.R. 2414, Black Box Privacy Protection Act by Mass.Congressman Michael Capuano: The bill will protect motorcyclists’ rights by requiring manufacturers to prominently disclose to consumers if an event data recorder (commonly known as a black box) is installed on their motorcycle, the data collection capabilities of such a device, and how such data may be used. Congressman Rodney Davis (13) is the lone Illinois Co-Sponsor
There are NO Illinois Congressmen signed on to this bill. Let us change that.
There is already too much government in our private lives and they need to be more transparent
We still support H.R.1861, Stop Motorcycle Checkpoint Funding Act. by Congressman J. Sensenbrenner This is what we did here back in 2012 but we need to help those in other states by getting a federal bill passed and that would be extra protection for us. Lets stop Profiling through out the Country. Congressmen Randy Hultgren (14), Adam Kinzinger (16)and Rodney Davis )13) You members in Cook County, where 1/2 of ALL our legislators are from, both state and federal, need to work to get your legislators involved with ABATE and all our issues. Even if they are against our view on helmets there are many issues they can/will support us on. The more time we spend with them the more friendlier they will become (in most cases). If you don’t know who your legislator is use this link from the Illinois State Board of Elections to look up who is representing you. Click on the link, then type in your 9 digit zip code, click find address the rest is easy. http://www.elections.il.gov/districtlocator/addressfinder.aspx Your voters card will have your Districts on them also.
The switch board # at the capitol is (202) 224-3121 CALL your Congressman NOW!!
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9 | 202-225-2111 | ||||
10 | 202-225-4835 | ||||
11 | 202-225-3515 | ||||
12 | 202-225-5661 | ||||
13 | 202-225-2371 | ||||
14 | 202-225-2976 | ||||
15 | 202-225-5271 | ||||
16 | 202-225-3635 | ||||
17 | 202-225-5905 | ||||
18 | 202-225-620 |
Changes are underlined below:
(625 ILCS 5/11-203) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11-203)
Sec. 11-203. Obedience to police officers. No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer, fireman, person authorized by a local authority to direct traffic, or school crossing guard invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. Any person convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a petty offense and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of $150.
Sec. 11-203. Obedience to police officers. No person shall willfully fail or refuse to comply with any lawful order or direction of any police officer, fireman, person authorized by a local authority to direct traffic, or school crossing guard invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic. Any person convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a petty offense and shall be subject to a mandatory fine of $150.
(625 ILCS 5/11-208) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 11‑208)
Sec. 11‑208. Powers of local authorities.
(a) The provisions of this Code shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities with respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from:
3. Regulating or prohibiting processions or assemblages on the highways and
certifying persons to control traffic for processions or assemblages;This bill will become law after the Governor signs it and he will have 60 days to sign or it will become law automatically
Bob Myers
State Legislative Coordinator
ABATE of Illinois, Inc
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