At a meeting this year the group o.k.’d my passing on US Defender Calls to Action. This one is VERY important. Please read the whole message (yes it is a bit long) and respond by writing your legislator. In San Diego County you should either be represented by Scott Peters or Susan Davis. There is a link under “This is What You Can Do” to help you find your legislator and get to the appropriate page to send an email.
I did all this as a test and then sent the message (cut and paste) to my representative Scott Peters. Took a few minutes only and I added a few words of my own, but that is not required. Please read the message and do it. Your motorcycle depends on it!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at or call me at 858-569-7370. Let’s get active!
The following CTA is being sent to you on behalf of MT, So Cal COC Unit Commander, US Defenders
WE must get in front of this issue before it is too late. You have all heard us talking about it coming our way, well it is here and in our face! Please read the following press release issued by the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) --
We provided a lot of info, so please bear with us and take the time to read it in its entirety and then follow the instructions at the bottom of this email to respond to the CALL TO ACTION.
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Feds to Motorcyclists: Pump E-15 into your bike and go to jail. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) reports that according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) using ethanol blends of 15% ethanol in any vehicle that is not a passenger vehicle will be in direct violation of Federal law. The EPA has issued a list of possible plans to mitigate mis-fueling issues with the recently approved E-15 ethanol blends. Prior to E-15, the highest blend allowed for mass consumption was E-10. The MRF has been informing the EPA that the higher blend will be forced upon motorcyclists because of the remaining fuel in the hose from the previous customer. The EPA then said that a 4 four-gallon minimum purchase would be required by everyone. That was rolled back and an EPA document specifically mentions the work of the motorcycle rights organizations in the overturn of the mandatory minimum. From the EPA: "However, groups representing motorcycle owners and lawn mower manufacturers objected to this configuration because their products have gas tanks that are normally two gallons or smaller. In response to these concerns, Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) developed and proposed a new configuration for EPA approval that retail stations may use as an alternative to the currently approved configurations." The solutions provided by the EPA is to label the pumps with attention getting labels that you are about to pump E-15 into your vehicle. Or purchase new blender pumps that only carry about .3 gallons or have a new pump with a dedicated E-15 hose. The first solution won't work and the second two solutions are too expensive. In another recent EPA document on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) the EPA states: "The EPA will propose to use flexibilities in the RFS statute to reduce both the advanced bio fuel and total renewable volumes in the forthcoming 2014 RFS volume requirement proposal." The EPA also maintains that while ethanol will be the dominating renewable fuel, the marketplace for them is shrinking fast. In a recent Wall Street Journal piece the author, US Representative Patrick Meehan, pointed out that the EPA's position on the RFS was weak; "refusing to take action this year is a far too tepid response to this crisis. Next year may be too late." said Representative. Meehan. In order to stop the onslaught of higher ethanol blends, please support this important piece of legislation. HR 875 is a bill that would stop the sale of E-15 and includes a study on the actual effects on the power train of your vehicles. ============================== THIS IS WHAT YOU CAN DO! Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your member of Congress and ask that they support this important legislation. OR -- send an email to your representative by following a few simple steps: 1. Click on the following link: 2. Type in your zip code 3. Click on the email logo " 4. Fill in your name and address 5. Cut and paste the following message The solutions provided by the EPA is to label the pumps with attention getting labels that you are about to pump E-15 into your vehicle. Or purchase new blender pumps that only carry about .3 gallons or have a new pump with a dedicated E-15 hose. The first solution won't work and the second two solutions are too expensive. The EPA has also maintained that while ethanol will be the dominating renewable fuel, the marketplace for them is shrinking fast. HR 875, authored by US Representative Patrick Meehan would stop the sale of E-15. I respectfully urge your support of HR 875. |
That's it -- easy speasy -- I just did it and it honestly only took me a few minutes to send off an email.
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