OFF THE WIREagingrebel.comIt is tempting for bikers to laugh off the holy crusade against “motorcycle noise” and aftermarket exhaust pipes. In the first place, the reasons for replacing the stock exhaust on a Harley are obvious to the people who do it.Back in the day, 82 inch Shovelheads made about 70 horsepower right out of the box. Brand new 82 inch Twin Cams make about 58 horsepower. The reason for the decrease is that modern bikes are intentionally set up at the factory to run inefficiently. They must run poorly in order to meet the mileage,...
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Posted on 12:59 AM by Unknown
OFF THE WIREIf you ride a motorcycle and you are a member of a club, wear club support clothing or have club support stickers on your helmet or bike you probably have been pulled over by some dirty cop who has it in for anyone wearing club stuff. And during that traffic stop your rights were violated, you were treated as a criminal, had the officer make-up charges against you, lie about what happened or what you said, handcuffed for no reason, abused,...
2 ARTICLES - 186.22 NOT TRUE & Looks like an addition to 186.22 (A)
Posted on 12:59 AM by Unknown
186.22 NOT TRUE186.22. (a) Any person who actively participates in any criminalstreet gang with knowledge that its members engage in or have engagedin a pattern of criminal gang activity, and who willfully promotes,furthers, or assists in any felonious criminal conduct by members ofthat gang, shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for aperiod not to exceed one year, or by imprisonment in the state prisonfor 16 months, or two or three years. (b) (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (4) and (5), any personwho is...
Posted on 12:59 AM by Unknown RICHAED 970-302-5204 Love horses? Want to help our Vets suffering from PTSD? For more info, click here!Horse therapy helps people surmount personal obstacles. Working with horses can aid people dealing with anxiety, depression, grief and low self-esteem. There’s no riding involved. By: Carola Vyhnak Staff Reporter.,HILLIER, ONT.—Deb Tattersall watches...
USA - Your Phone Is Tapped
Posted on 12:58 AM by Unknown
OFF THE WIREagingrebel.comPrivacy is dead in the new and improved America. The New York Times thinks this is news.A reporter named Eric Lichtblau ran a feature in the premier national newspaper Sunday that led with the recently disclosed fact that American police made “a startling 1.3 million demands for subscriber information last year…seeking text messages, caller locations and other information in the course of investigations.” You can read Lichtblau’s...
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